I know it's been quite some time since my last discussion question was posted, but I decided it was about time. This question will be a bit different from the others and I hope to see some interesting feedback.

As you may or may not remember, one of my first blog entries was on the issue of violence in video games, so this discussion's question is: Do violent video games contribute to real acts of violence? Personally, I don't see much of a connection between the two. If anything, video games help reduce violence as players are able to release their anger and frustration in a non-destructive manner. To be honest, I'm not sure if video games are to what's to blame for the increase in violence. If anything, it is the player's responsible to know the difference between reality and fantasy. If the player can not, then the player shouldn't be playing those type of games in the first time.

Remember, leave a comment saying if you believe violent video games are responsible for real violence. And if you can't think of an answer, you can leave a suggestion for a topic on my next blog or discussion. Also, look out for a future blog entry with more info on this particular topic. Thanks for reading and keep on gaming, folks!

I know that it's been a while since the last discussion question, but I figured it was about time to do another one. So, the discussion question that I decided to ask today is, what game have you been playing recently?

Personally, I have just got back into playing a game you may or may not know called Okami. I've played through the game several times and have enjoyed it more and more every time. It really is a great game that I feel was a bit under appreciated and wish it had gotten more attention. Truth is, even though I've played it a couple of times now, I've never actually beaten it before. I always seem to get up to a certain point in the game, and then for whatever reason just stop playing it, which is a very bad habit I tend to have for some games. I'm hoping that this might be the time where I finally am able to play it through as I feel bad for not yet completing it.

So, as always, leave a comment saying what game you have been playing recently. And remember, if you can't think of an answer, you're always welcome to leave a suggestion for a topic on my next blog or discussion. Once again, thanks for reading and keep on gaming, folks!
Sorry for the long wait, I wanted to see if I would get any reactions from the last discussion. Anyway, this discussion is on a question I've been wanting to ask for a while now. I know that it's halfway through Feburary and it's a question that would seem more appropriate during the beginning of the year, but here it is.

There are many games that are coming later on this year. Some of which I have mentioned in my blogs. So my question to you guys is, What game are you looking forward to in 2013? As you could tell by my multiple entries involving the Pokémon series, the game I am looking forward to most is the upcoming games, Pokémon X & Y. The fact that they are finally making two main titles in the series in 3D makes me excited on how the game will play out. Sure, they won't be the first 3D games in the series in general, but hey, still can't wait for the games!

So, as always, leave a comment saying what game you're looking forward to this year. Or, if you can't think of anything to say, leave a suggestion for a topic or question you want me to mention in my blogs or in my next discussion! Thank you all for tuning in and keep on gaming, folks!
Recently, I have been discussing about topics I have wanted to talk about. But now, I want to take this time to talk about what you guys want to talk about. So, I have decided to add in a discussion blog!

Basically, these blogs will be different from my regular blogs. How these will work is I pose a question to you guys and then you get to answer them with your own responses. For example, in this first discussion blog, I'll ask you all, "what was the first game you ever played?"

This will also be a great opportunity to hear from you all about your opinions as well as provide feedback for how you feel about my blogs. If you don't know how to answer the question or can't think what to say, then you can use this to talk about what you think about my blogs. You are also free to write any suggestions you may have for my main blogs or any questions you want me to ask for a discussion blog. I feel this time will be a great experience for me to get the know the gamer in you!

So, for this first discussion, the question is, what is the first video game you have ever played?

The first game I ever actually played was Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. I remember watching my brother play this all the time and when I finally got the chance to play it, I loved every moment of it. In fact, it's what got me into the Kirby franchise in the first place.

Leave a comment below on what your first game was or if you have any suggestions for my next blog or discussion! Thank you all and hope to see what you have to say! Keep on gaming, folks!