I know it's been quite some time since my last discussion question was posted, but I decided it was about time. This question will be a bit different from the others and I hope to see some interesting feedback.

As you may or may not remember, one of my first blog entries was on the issue of violence in video games, so this discussion's question is: Do violent video games contribute to real acts of violence? Personally, I don't see much of a connection between the two. If anything, video games help reduce violence as players are able to release their anger and frustration in a non-destructive manner. To be honest, I'm not sure if video games are to what's to blame for the increase in violence. If anything, it is the player's responsible to know the difference between reality and fantasy. If the player can not, then the player shouldn't be playing those type of games in the first time.

Remember, leave a comment saying if you believe violent video games are responsible for real violence. And if you can't think of an answer, you can leave a suggestion for a topic on my next blog or discussion. Also, look out for a future blog entry with more info on this particular topic. Thanks for reading and keep on gaming, folks!

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