I know that it's been a while since the last discussion question, but I figured it was about time to do another one. So, the discussion question that I decided to ask today is, what game have you been playing recently?

Personally, I have just got back into playing a game you may or may not know called Okami. I've played through the game several times and have enjoyed it more and more every time. It really is a great game that I feel was a bit under appreciated and wish it had gotten more attention. Truth is, even though I've played it a couple of times now, I've never actually beaten it before. I always seem to get up to a certain point in the game, and then for whatever reason just stop playing it, which is a very bad habit I tend to have for some games. I'm hoping that this might be the time where I finally am able to play it through as I feel bad for not yet completing it.

So, as always, leave a comment saying what game you have been playing recently. And remember, if you can't think of an answer, you're always welcome to leave a suggestion for a topic on my next blog or discussion. Once again, thanks for reading and keep on gaming, folks!

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